
1997-2024 Ford E-Series Van E150 | E250 | E350 | E450 Swivel Seat Adapter Driver Side Base

Original price was: $259.95.Current price is: $224.95.

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Passed DOT FMVSS 207 Test 

USDOT FMVSS 207 Lab Test Report

According to the TRC Inc. Lab (Cert. U.S. DOT Test Lab) Test Report, these Ford Swivel Seat Adapters survived by a PULL TEST that exerting 34,000 Newtons force (7643.50 Pounds-Force) on the seat. This means the swivels’ results were at least 4 times higher than the U.S. DOT standards. 

Installation Instructions


Does ford e-series come with swivel seat bases?

Generally no, its an upgrade which usually is expensive. This is a valuable alternative.

Is this Ford Seat Swivel Adapter going to raise the height of my seat?

The Ford e-series Swivel will raise the height of your seat around 1.47″ (inches)

Which Ford Vans will these Seat Swivel Adapters be compatible with?

These Ford e-series Seat Swivel Adapters are compatible with all Ford E-Series Vans made 1997-2023, and likely 2024 and newer as well. (posted early 2023).

Do I have to open my door to get this swivel to work correctly?

These AMZ are off set pivot, you will not have to open the door to swivel.

The Sportscraft Seat Swivel Adapters are center pivot. You will have to open the door to swivel!

Do these Ford Van Seat Swivel Adapters lock while I drive?

The Ford e-series swivel seats can lock when you are facing forward which should keep you from shifting left to right if you are driving in the vehicle.

What is the warranty associated with the Ford e-series Seat Swivel Adapters?   

  • Two-year Warranty against factory defects

After installing the e-series Van Swivel, will my seat still be able to slide forward and back? 

Yes, your seat will still be able to slide back and forth after you install your Ford E-Series Seat Swivel adapter.

You should not have any problems.

Will I be able to swivel the seat less than 180 degrees?  How many options are there for the amount of swivel with the Ford e-series Seat Swivel Adapters?

The Ford e-series Seat Swivel Adapter has 360-degree rotation, you have the ability to swivel 1-360 degrees.


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